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Regional Non-contact Hockey League (RNHL)
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RNHL History

     Joe Cheeseman and Don Brown formed the RNHL Sunday Oldtimers in 1977. It started mainly because Joe still wanted to play hockey, but he was finding it harder to compete with the younger and faster players in the Saturday RNHL.
     Don Brown was Joe's friend as well as a member of the Saturday RNHL league. Both were involved with Alexander Park activities. After the league was founded, Don was the first President and Joe was the first league Treasurer.
     Initially, there weren't enough players of oldtimers age (35) to complete the rosters. Teams were supplemented by players from the Saturday RNHL. Since 1977, many tournament teams, comprosed of players from the RNHL league formed and competed in Oldtimers tournaments, and this continues today.
     The original four teams were: Orioles, Blue Jays, Cardinals, and Eagles. Eventually, increasing to 8 teams by adding the Hawks, Road Runners, Falcons, and Buzzards. In 1980, team sponsors were introduced with their names showing on the league jerseys.
     As Oldtimers hockey gained popularity locally, provincially, and nationally the league expaned to the current 24 teams. Expansion introduced many things including a constitution, increased executive, divisions, convenors, team representatives and spares. These elements provided the necessary structure to run a successful league.
     In 2014, the age-eligibility was lowered to 30 years of age so younger players could play at a less stressful level and be acclimated to the RNHL. Originally. games were played at the Wentworth Triple Rinks and continue to be played Sunday afternoons at the Mohawk 4 Pad arena. From all reports, the eligibility age and location changes are a positive part in the over 40 year evolution of the league.
     A lot of dedicated individuals have worked hard to make the league the success it is today. The RNHL Oldtimers league is still going strong !


     In memory of Joe Cheeseman co-founder of the RNHL in 1977. He was also the first RNHL Treasurer. Joe and his family were heavily involved in the sumemr and winter activities at Alexander Park, especially baseball. Joe was a valued committee member of the Hamilton and District Baseball Council, as well as a member of the  CANUSA execitive. Joe formed the first tournament team consisting of league players. Joe was a Hamilton firefighter.
     In memory of Don Brown, along with Joe Cheeseman, who co-founded the RNHL in 1977. Don served as the first league President for 3 years until his diabetes made it impossible to fulfill his role. The players of the Saturday and Sunday RNHL fund-raised and purchased a top-of-the-line wheelchair to assist Don. Don was a Dispatcher/Driver for Aire Liquide of Hamilton.
     In memory of Bob Hart who was an original player in the RNHL. He was a smooth skating play-making defenceman who served as President and Treasurer. Bob was also an accomplished piano player. Bob and Joe Cheeseman formed the first tournament team from RNHL players. Bob was a respected Chartered Accountant/Office Manager of Ross and McBride Law Office of Hamilton.
     George Morasse has been associated with the RNHL since 1980. He has served as President, Past-President, Divisional Convenor and Team Rep. Recipient of many league awards and recognitions he was a player/coach/manager of 3 tournament teams comprosed of RNHL players for 20 years. George is a member of four Sports Halls of Fame. He holds a 2nd degree black belt in karate. Additionslly, George has received many community recognitions for his volunteer work and is a member of Mohawk College's Alumni of Distinction for community service. George was a supervisor with the Hamiton Recreation Department.

     Joe and Don league 'founding fathers' wanted to have a distinct logo from the RNHL Saturday league. The Tasmanian Devil clutching a puck was designed in 1978, and today it is still visible on all league jerseys.

     These awards are given annually to individuals who are best judged to have excelled in individual achievement and team contributions while adhering to the ideals of the RNHL.

     Shawn McVittey played in the RNHL for a few years. He was a pesky, up and down forward, chipping in with the odd goal. Shawn always enjoyed the comraderie of the RNHL as much as the hockey itself. Shawn was a UPS driver. The trophy was donated by Shawn's family in his memory.
     Elmars Sprogis was a 'bull in a china shop' player with his take no prosoners approach to hockey, which was also reflected by his CFL career as a special teams member of the Toronto Argonauts. Elmars player tournement hockey and was a long-time RNHL sponsor. Elmars was a Weed Man franchisee, In memory of Elmars, the trophy was donated by sponsors Bob Hickey and Fred Cassidy of Larry's Sports.
     Bob Hart was a smooth skating play-making defenceman, who served as league Treasurer and President. He co-founded, with Joe CHeeseman, the first tournemtnt team comprised of RNHL players. Through Bob's efforts, knowledge, and committment he set the path for the future of the RNHL. Bob was a Chartered Accountant/Office Manager for the Hamilton Law firm Ross and McBride. The trophy was donated in his memory by Bob's family.
     Suzie Chick was a Para-Olympian competing in swimming, darts, and bowling achieving many Provincial, National and International records and awards. Bernie Goulet was her coach and husband. Bernie played goal and was the RNHL's longest serving Treasurer with over 20 years service. The married couple dedicated many hours to the RNHL. Bernie donated the trophy in memory of Suzie and the league added Bernie's name in his memory.


2024-25 schedule


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R.N.H.L. 2025-26 Application Forms


Message from the President on up and coming events
